Cleaning your teeth correctly not only helps to keep your teeth looking great and your breath fresh but it is critical to preventing both tooth decay and gum disease.
Everyone should brush their teeth at least twice a day, including last thing before bedtime. You should use a fluoride containing tooth paste. Fluoride strengthens the surface of tooth enamel making it more resistant to acid attack. It also reduces the ability of plaque bacteria to produce the acid which damages the tooth, causing tooth decay. For children there is also an effect on the growing teeth that are yet to erupt – making the whole tooth enamel stronger and more resistant to decay.
For babies, begin tooth brushing as soon as milk teeth start to appear (normally about 6 months of age). Use a soft textured baby toothbrush to start.
Tooth brushing should be supervised for children at least up to the age of seven years. Supervision helps to ensure the correct brushing technique is used, ensures they are using the correct toothpaste and prevents children from swallowing large amounts of toothpaste. For the correct fluoride levels see “Fluoride Treatments” below.
We would recommend a small, soft brush for babies and a medium sized, medium texture brush for everyone else. Electric tooth-brushes can help make tooth brushing quicker and more effective. We can advise you on which brush to choose and have a range of manual and electric tooth brushes for sale.
Teenagers and adults should also clean between their teeth at least once a day using floss, tape or inter-dental brushes. Our dentists and hygienists will show you how to do this and find the best oral hygiene aids for you.