Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that can be attached to the front surface of teeth to change their appearance. Veneers can help to improve the appearance of discoloured or mis-shaped teeth.


After placing veneers on six upper front teeth
They can also be used to slightly modify the shape or alignment of teeth.

This patient has mishapen upper lateral incisors

Veneers used to improve shape and appearance of upper lateral incisors.
To prepare a tooth for a veneer a thin layer of enamel is removed from the front surface and biting edge of the tooth. Impressions are then made and a shade chosen. The veneer is made in the laboratory. At a subsequent appointment the veneer is bonded onto the prepared tooth surface with a special adhesive.
It normally takes two weeks to make the veneer, though in special circumstances it is possible to arrange for the veneer to be made in just one working day in the laboratory.
Veneers involve less heavy reduction of your tooth than for fitting a crown but they are still an irreversible treatment. Sometimes in can be possible to build up a layer of white filling material to act like a veneer. This often doesn’t look quite so convincing but is more reversible and can be helpful as first step to try out a new size and shape to your tooth or teeth.
Veneers can sometimes be used along with Tooth Whitening to improve the appearance of very discoloured teeth.